Thursday, 1 October 2015

What If?...

                                     There is so much devastation in the world.

I believe to heal our world we need to start with ourselves and our own environment, our own backyard....

Please take a few moments to soulfully ponder over each of the following:

What if we are presently in 'school' here, in the physical world, and once our lives are completed our bodies return to the earth and our souls travel home to a place of pure love? (We are made of energy and energy cannot be destroyed. It simply transforms).
What if our life can be likened to a personal play, in which our role is the main character, and we decided while we were still at 'home', previous to this lifetime, what lessons we wished to learn within the duration of our play, in which situations and with whom?

What if this were true, therefore we need not fear death?

What if we were absolutely aware that love and insightful wisdom were of the only importance, and our focus was on our growth as a person (as a soul gaining wisdom and clarity), while giving freely, lovingly and unconditionally to ourselves and to others – without judgement? This could begin with smiling at a stranger - for no reason. 

If we believed this as our 'truth', our personal experience of life would be much more simple, for we would know to fearlessly and enjoyably make the most of every moment. We would let go of pettiness and not take things quite so seriously. We would smell the roses more, live in the 'now' and appreciate this precious physical opportunity we have been granted.

This lifetime is over in a blink of an eye, so we would stop procrastinating for whatever reasons that hold us back, we would stand tall and own our personal power (instead of giving it away to others) and, with confidence, we would get on with whatever it is that we wish to achieve or experience - with love and trust in our hearts.

In fact, life as we know it, would be looked upon from a completely different perspective, for we would understand, no matter what happens...........everything will be alright... 

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