Sunday 30 August 2020

The Infamous Mask

Although I diligently wear a mask when necessary these days, I can't say I'm accustomed to it, nor will I ever want to be. The psychological, impersonal aspect affects me greatly and leaves an indifferent taste in my mouth. I can't smile at people, my muffled words are often difficult to understand and hell, I sometimes don't even instantly recognise acquaintances, who warmly greet me! However, I've always believed there's pros and cons to everything in life and during these past few weeks, I've realised there are definitely some positives to the infamous mask.

Needless to say, the collective benefit of protecting each other from infected respiratory droplets, especially if we're unknowingly carrying the corona virus, is the most significant positive. Once lockdown is over and in the absence of a vaccine, covering our faces, washing our hands and adhering to social distancing, continues to create our own personal lockdown to fight the undesirable virus as best we can. Yet, I've accidentally stumbled across some other great uses for these unaccustomed face veils.

I was in a cafe early one morning waiting for the lovely, young barista to brew my coffee. I was obviously still tired, as I yawned a few times, covering my mouth. What's the point to that? It felt strange covering my mask, which was already covering my mouth!

I happened to wake up one morning with a hideous cold sore, which felt like a humongous toadstool had sprouted on my bottom lip overnight! "How am I meant to greet the world with this cauliflower on my face?" I thought. "Wait, thankfully I have to wear my mask!"

There's no need for make-up or lipstick either, and if the older ladies have forgotten to pluck a whisker or two, so be it. Men can also slacken off a little with their shaving routines. Any unwanted rashes or pimples are beautifully hidden and masks keep our faces warm during these cold, windy, remaining winter days.

I've noticed some clever people have even gone so far as to customize their masks into a fashion statement by sewing unique creations. While I feel it is admirable they are attempting to lighten the sombre experience, it's definitely not for me. I have no desire to glorify covering my smile muscles.

So yes, there are positives, but who am I kidding? The sooner we can dispose of these peculiar face coverings because they've become unwarranted, the better - cold sore on not.

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