Monday 7 September 2020

Well, Spring is here!

 The saturated earth is waking up and preparing to come alive with all the colors of the rainbow. The sun is finally radiating welcoming warmth and the grass is beginning to accelerate it's growth. The birds are busily, vocally fluffing around, focussing on expanding their families, as are most creatures at this weather-pleasing time. It's definitely nice to see and feels uplifting.

However, while spring is a blessing in itself, it's now been over six months since our lives became 'contained' ... and, from what I can sense across the board, it's beginning to wear a little thin.

On the whole, from my perspective, people have been amazing, upholding a positive, realistic attitude. They've kept focussed on priorities to beat this loathsome, harmful virus, all the while making the most of their abnormal lives. It's not been easy by any stretch of the imagination, especially for families and the elderly living alone. But it's not been a piece of cake for anyone.

I've noticed our local smiling eyes, peering from behind camouflauging masks, aren't so smiley anymore. There's a sense of general frustration and fatigue when people are asked how they're travelling.

I can relate to this too. 

Yes, I'm clinging to 'the glass half full', but I definitely have my moments! I'm starting to not only miss, but yearn for dear friends, especially those living overseas. Social media just isn't cutting it anymore.

As much as I usually like my own company, I'm becoming a little fed up with myself and my repetitive positive self talk. My alter ego tells me frequently to put a sock in it, stopping me in my tracks. I defeatedly comply.

My poor husband is also suffering my restlessness. I tend to talk his ear off when he comes in at night, being the only person I see most of the day. I'm sure his selective hearing skills have perfected themselves beautifully this year.

... and my legs could do with a shave, but what's the point in that?! Doesn't look like I'm going anywhere anytime soon to bare my all. My cats aren't phased by my woolly legs, and I'm sure my hubby doesn't notice.

... and there's the root of the widespread frustration. If only we knew an end date to life's present restraint. This situation would be so much easier to deal with having something to look forward to. We could happily make plans for the future and strive towards them among life's norm, excited about anticipated events, holidays, celebrations, what have you.

But no, at least not yet. For now it's best we continue our focus, preferably with a smile on our face, although a little forced. We're doing well, people. Let's pat ourselves on the back, bid 2020 winter farewell, wipe the slate clean and start a new, refreshing chapter by welcoming spring with a newfound spring in our step. It's challenging, no doubt, but we can do this. I know we can ...

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