Tuesday 25 August 2020

What Will Your Legacy Be?

A friend asked me the other day what I thought my legacy will one day be. Now, that's a great, thought-provoking question ... for someone who actually takes the time to think about their departure from this life. I admit, I don't choose to go there very often, however it's a fair call and one that deserves contemplation.

What is a legacy? After researching the word, I came up with a combination of definitions and interpret it as 'leaving an objective or subjective significance to a successor, loved one or even the world'.

I guess, legacies happen, or eventuate, through the accumulation of the days of our lives. What we do today will typically determine our tomorrows, whether it's through our behaviour, our talent, our altruism, our ability to earn copious amounts of money etc., for ourselves and others.

Unless we fly by the seat of our pants we care for events that happen after we are no longer here. We are building our legacy as we live it, through each opportunity that arises.

So, I asked myself in all seriousness, "What would my personal legacy look like if I passed today?" The answer didn't spring to mind spontaneously.

Giving it some thought, I feel it's not necessarily determining and focussing on a particular legacy. For me, it's about the way I live my life to be a legacy in itself. The connections I make and how I treat myself and others. This includes animals.

Am I helpful in times of need? Do I utilise my insightful, empathetic skills in a meaningful way for the greater good? Do I make a difference, if only small, creating a ripple affect that far surpasses my awareness?

Sure, I'd love to possess the ingenuity to come up with a new, life-changing invention or to find a cure for a horrible disease, but that's batting way above my average.

The unspoken subjectivity is what's most purposeful and consequential in my book. If this makes me immortal, I'm sure that thought will allow me to rest peacefully when my time comes.

What would your legacy be?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Milly
    I loved this piece. Food for thought really.Your right on the mark..how we live, treat others including animals is important. Making a difference in all different types of ways, a smile we might give a stranger might make a difference to their challenging day...knowing you dont necessarily have to talk to family and friends every day but knowing they are thinking of you and your thinking of them.
    This year has been very challenging in many ways but taking something positive from it will interpret our future I am sure.
    Love this piece
    Love Shell XOXO
