Friday 17 June 2016

I Finally Get It!!!

Wow, I am so excited!!!! I have this exhilarated feeling of anticipation that great things are about to happen; come into fruition : ) Let me tell you why.....

I visited a beautiful, Spiritual Centre in Foster a couple of weeks ago, named 'Be Enchanted'. It was a gorgeous, crisp morning and the meandering, ascending road it resides on has such a magical feel about it. There are plenty of birds, and beautiful, tall trees, which allow the sun's rays to shine through their branches, throwing shadows onto the earth. Aahh, the magic of nature is wonderous.

Walking into the centre, I couldn't believe my eyes! Amongst loads of other various items, there were crystals from floor to ceiling, every color, every size, every shape you can imagine. I felt like an ecstatic child let loose in a lolly shop, and the energy in this spacious environment was magnificent. It was truly an incredible experience and my visit lasted much longer than I had intended, as there was so much to admire.

Amongst many available healing modalities and ones still to be manifested, Be Enchanted offers Angel Readings, and I decided to book myself in for the following week. I hadn't received a reading for a long while and the opportunity once again awoke my intrigue. Later that afternoon I was conversing with a friend and shared I was having this reading, and in a very blasé way told her, 'I don't really know why, as I always seem to be told what I already know and feel, however it's nice to have confirmation and reassurance'.

The day arrived and I was excited to be communicating with Spirit, equipped with mobile phone/voice recorder in hand. It was another lovely, coolish, yet sunny day, and with anticipation, I was ready to learn from the Angels what I needed to know at this time for my highest good.

Sandey warmly greeted and showed me into her serene, healing space, fuelled with a gentle, powerful energy. We made ourselves comfortable on the couch and after some initial, friendly conversation, the Angel cards were shuffled, as I clumsily found my voice recorder button and proceeded to turn it on.

Sandey was quiet for a moment, then suddenly opened her eyes, looked straight at me and said, 'Why are you here?' I looked at her a little dumb-founded as she again spoke saying, 'You know what the Angels are going to say. You can hear them, in fact you should be giving readings!'

Completely stopped in my tracks, I needed a minute to digest this surprising information. Sandey continued to explain what was occurring, and gave me much encouragement regarding personal issues I may be in need of releasing on a subconscious level, and life-style changes I would benefit from etc. All of the information resonated.

Suddenly it dawned on me what I had said to my friend! I don't really know why I have readings, as I always seem to be told what I already know and feel, however it's nice to have confirmation and reassurance! I've thought this for many years, however I never truly 'realised' what I was actually saying! Of course I receive messages! In fact all the time, through books, through cards, through physical signs, through thoughts that come to mind, through feelings, words or phrases. I also strongly 'see' through my minds eye.

However, everyone has this connection and it's different for each of us. We are who we are, and because we are unable to slip into each other's bodies and minds to compare this phenomenon, we have to trust ourselves that we are receiving guidance and healing advice. And why wouldn't we be? If everyone else receives loving guidance, we do too. No singling out here! We all have so much spiritual assistance, as I have mentioned time and time again in my earlier blogs.
We just need to listen and watch for the many signs constantly around us on a daily basis. We are never alone. The challenge though, is to be open to receiving and to become proactive upon being presented with helpful advice; not choosing to ignore it.

However, this spiritual journey of ours is just that; a journey.
Try not to be impatient (as I often am), and know that everything has divine timing. You grow at your own personal pace with heaps of spiritual support along the way, such as a gentle nudge to move forward fearlessly or a reminder to rest and rejuvenate. Try to refrain from beating yourself up or being your own worst critic. It's a waste of time and energy and bogs you down into a lower vibration, making your life more difficult than it can be. Believe me when I say this, as I am speaking from experience!

So, getting back to why I am so very excited, I have come to the conclusion to trust (myself) that I am communicating with Spirit, and to take note and be mindful of information that does actually come from outside of myself. In fact, since I have consciously come to this realisation, I have felt, seen and heard spiritual signs left, right and centre.

I am picking up a new laptop tomorrow morning. One which will purely assist my passion for writing, set up permanently in my beautiful spiritual room. No more using the office computer when it's free, surrounded by paperwork of bills, accounts and taxation reports etc. I have been guided to meditate in 'my' room, before sitting down to write and I have been assured wise, healing words to share will flow freely. How wonderful!

For many years I have asked Spirit that I may be a clear, pure and open channel to be used for healing, in whichever shape or form I may serve best. Reflecting, I have always worked in a healing profession, one way or another. As far back as I can remember, I have also always prayed that I may be granted clear Spirit communication. Maybe, now that I finally trust myself, my spiritual journey will move forward more quickly and easily with me not standing in the way.

I finally get it now!

I'm so excited and I'm feeling so empowered........Thank you Spirit, for all you do, and for guiding me to Be Enchanted, unveiling a significant, personal epiphany. xoxoxo

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