Tuesday 5 May 2020

Home Schooling - Happy Days!

The Covid-19 pandemic is proving to have a significant impact on people's lives. Well in the throws, we are able to decipher the negatives, and surprisingly a number of positives, within our inner and outer worlds.

One of the biggest, stress-provoking challenges many parents and carers are trying to get their head around is home schooling.

Guiding children through learning at home can be tricky, especially if you're also working from home. Throw into the equation adored pets excitedly running amok enjoying their humans home, and you've got yourself a chaotic safe haven.

Wanting to pull your hair out seems justifiable!

However, parents are not expected to duplicate teacher's years of experience. All that is asked is you do your best, while giving your kids various activities to keep them engaged and stimulated.

The main thing is to help your children feel safe and secure with limited anxiety.

Be creative.

While structure is important, don't worry if you can't stick to a 'school day' routine. Play is one of the best learning tools for kids and can also be fun for adults.

There are many valuable lessons to be learned in the 'school of life'.

* Bake with your kids and have them measure ingredients to practise their mathematical skills.

* Watch a world animal documentary together to improve geography and science.

* Have your children read books aloud to enhance their English.

* Sing with your child for musical stimulation, or if you play an instrument, pass your skills on.

* Dance around your lounge room and fill your hearts with smiles.

* Galleries and museums across the world are offering free virtual tours for children to take interesting and fun excursions. Loads of historical learning at your child's finger tips.

* Venture outside and play a game of Chasey to break up the indoor lessons while refreshing everyone's concentration. There's physical education taken care of right there!

There are many useful websites contributing to online learning, sure to ignite curiosity and wonder in your child. Have a browse, but make sure you read all that's been sent home by your children's teachers and try and incorporate the school's resources into your planning wherever possible … and importantly, keep in touch with the teachers for support and reassurance.

Find ways for your child to stay in touch with their school friends. This is vital. Encourage them to read, play or even spend recess together via Zoom or the like.

Just remember, you're doing a great job!

Pat yourself on the back. No one has gone completely insane yet. Be kind to yourself and trust in your abilities ... and don't forget to breathe.

Let's hope we are soon in a safe position to resume school normality for the good of everyone involved - so you won't need to turn to the drink after all!

You've got this.

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