Wednesday 13 July 2016

A Reminder From Spirit With Love...

Following on from last week's blog, I continue to feel unsettled and on edge. The familiar, ferocious wind we are experiencing isn't helping, as it always manages to throw my balance. The sadness I still feel for my loved ones, presently bravely ploughing through rough waters, wears me down, and I'm feeling scattered, trying to stretch myself in too many directions.

It's time to lighten up! Time to shove the heaviness off my shoulders and to stand up straight and tall to move forward fearlessly, leaving all that doesn't serve me behind. Furthermore to this, I was given a wonderful, significant reminder from Spirit this week. Let me explain….

A few weeks ago, my brother and I attended a school reunion in Melbourne. It was the very first reunion I had been to in thirty-two years and I was so excited. In fact, once we reached the venue, I had slipped completely into my element. I felt entirely content within myself, embracing my personal power. I was centred, leaving no room for fear or self judgement or any form of negativity. With great anticipation, I was happily awaiting to re-connect with childhood friends. I actually couldn't wipe the smile off my face, and I felt so much love for the whole 'reunion concept', waiting to thoroughly enjoy linking up with familiar souls, who had played a huge part within my prominent, learning teenage years.

As the evening progressed, I could genuinely feel the difference in myself. I knew I was emanating that which I was feeling. My energy/aura was up beat and approachable, hence why I was able to enjoy such meaningful
re-connections, although only fleetingly, as there were so many people to speak with and so little time.

I felt 'alive', 'in the moment' and completely in my heart centre. That's the only way I can describe it. It felt amazing and I made a mental note suggesting this is how I could always be feeling, and that it's entirely up to me!

However, after that wonderful event, I returned to the norm of life, still for a few days embraced by the happy, lingering memories, which slowly, but surely dissipated storing themselves in my personal history. I guess I sank back into my familiar, see-sawing inner world by my own doing...

Two weeks later I was casually scrolling through Face Book one evening before retiring to bed, and noticed one of the past students from the reunion had sent me a friend request. I didn't remember this man from school on the night, as he was a few years above me, however I did meet him at the celebration and we shared some brief, but fascinating conversations throughout the evening. He was interesting to speak with and played a part in the reunion experience being so enjoyable.

So I happily accepted Michael's friend request. Five minutes later a notification arrived informing me of a message he had placed on my time line. I intriguingly brought up my Face Book page to check it out.

Well, what a beautiful surprise! Such lovely, heartfelt, honest words. You could have knocked me over with a feather…...and it was for the world to see, which, I must admit, embarrassed me a little just quietly, thanks to my whispering, undeserving voice that rears its ugly head every now and again!

These were some of Michael's words:

'Just wanted to say what a pleasure it was meeting at the reunion. You smile with your eyes and have a vivacious attitude to life that is truly infectious. I wish you all the best'.

Honestly, I was completely overwhelmed that firstly, someone would put themselves out there like that to secondly, say such lovely comments about me. My shocked ego 'obviously' enjoyed the moment, however I instantly knew Michael was perceiving the 'Camilla', (whom he had never previously met), who was emanating from her heart centre. I guess you could say, 'the real Camilla'.

I could feel Michael was very intuitive and obviously confidently voices what he thinks, as opposed to most people, who have passing thoughts that subside as quickly as they arrive. I was very flattered and grateful for Michael's words. That was really sweet of him to post, however the reason for his positive perception of me that evening was because I had let go (or placed on the back-burner) my usual niggling issues of self doubt etc. and allowed my soul, my authentic self, to lead. I possibly found this easy, as I was removed from my usual environment, feeling carefree and excited, while stepping sideways from my life as I know it, similar to a little vacation – or so it seemed.

However, there shouldn't need to be 'a little vacation'! Why can't/don't I always live life from my heart centre? How easy living would be? How happy and content I would be? How well I would write!! Man, the advantages are endless...

When we are centred in our hearts, balanced and consciously allowing our authentic, beautiful selves to shine, we automatically feel at ease and fully accept and appreciate who we are, hence becoming more fearless, more caring, more joyous, more grateful and more giving people. From this stance, we then also continue to attract souls of the same substance, welcome opportunities and inspiring events into our lives, which we nurture, appreciate and celebrate. How enticing that sounds! Don't you agree?

So Spirit kindly reminded me how energetic I felt during the reunion while I was speaking my truth, by having Michael post a lovely message that would make me sit up and take notice. I say 'reminded' because I already knew how differently I portrayed myself to the world that night and how magical I felt.
The only way I can try and explain the feeling I experienced is how one feels when they're about to embark on a first, second, third date - full of enthusiasm, positive anticipation and motivation, placing one's best foot forward, all with love in one's heart. Now replace the word 'date', with 'you and your zest for life', and apply the adjectives..

So how do we achieve this? The following few suggestions have served me well:

Let go of the small stuff, as it's all small stuff (however I still often need to remind myself of this). 
Be mindful of every moment, yet expect greatness to unfold during your journey through your attraction.

Be content within yourself and let go of self judgement, as well as for others

Give unconditionally and you will unexpectedly be rewarded time and time again and usually when you most need it.

Don't be afraid to give compliments, whether you know the person or not (just as Michael did).

Each of us needs to individually figure out how to peel back the layers to expose and live from the heart. The challenge is to remain in this wonderful space and not be thrown off centre…….however, that's why we're here in the physical. 'They' say 'practice makes perfect!'. May you find the right path for you….. xo