Thursday 14 January 2016

Life Is Full Of Blessings (whether you notice them all or not)...

I've come to a realisation this week! I always feel extremely grateful for my life, as wonderful experiences come my way constantly. Sure, challenges have their place too, and while initially they can create angst, they always pass without too much damage.

I am reading another spiritual book presently (very slowly - when I allow myself the time), which offers tasks to undertake in each chapter, proving there is an invisible force or field of infinite possibilities and it's ours for the taking. Yes, everyone! Apparently I (we) can access this force at any time, simply by paying attention.

I have heard this spoken of before and I agree that yes, we do create our life experiences either consciously or subconsciously. I believe we attract what we fear or what we spend time thinking about, hence bringing these experiences to life, into the physical form. So if we focus on what we want, as opposed to what we don't want, we can attract these desires. BUT, I question this spiritual truth sometimes, as I certainly did not manifest my beautiful feline contracting FIV, and ultimately having to be euthanised due to secondary symptoms of Cat Aids. I had never heard of FIV, so how could I have manifested this, when I had never thought about it!? 

So, the first chapter of the book asked me to give this invisible force a particular time frame (I decided 48 hours) in which to send me a gift/blessing in some way, shape or form. I'm talking, asking without feeling selfish or guilty, which I admit can be an issue for me. I decided to humor myself and went ahead and asked anyway.

Reminding myself often to be mindful of blessings arriving during the next two days, I realised how fortunate I am because blessings or gifts came constantly and made me even more aware of how wonderful my life is! Each time a 'blessing' arrived, I asked myself, 'Is this the gift?'

During the two days, I was surprised by a visit from a young, beautiful woman, whom I had never met before, who is the daughter of a cousin of mine overseas. I knew she was working/travelling in Australia, however I didn't know when she would arrive in our little town. There she suddenly was and it was truly a gift for my husband and I. Was she the gift I had asked for?

I have recently been diligently working to bring assistance to our lovely, local wildlife carers/rescuers through various channels, and during those two days an article I had written to support them was published in three local papers, reaching two shires. I was so thankful, to say the least. Was this the gift? 

The above events that happened blew me away, however there were other blessings I was granted during that specific time. My beautiful brother gave me a gorgeous animal-rescue calendar he had bought especially for me, knowing how much I adore animals of any kind. Was that the gift? My horse's eye ulcer had healed through medication I had been adminstering daily. Was that the gift? My husband took me out for dinner, which time doesn't allow for very often. Was that the gift?

I had already received so many wonderful blessings and that's just in two days! However one more special gift was granted and I just 'knew' this was the intended gift from Spirit. My gut feeling told me so. I was casually scrolling through Face Book when I came across a beautiful, spiritual reading a friend had shared, of which the words spoke straight to my heart.

The piece was about how we are never alone, not to be sad when a loved one passes, as their essence is still present, and how continuously loved we all are. Those messages always warm my heart and confirm my beliefs.

So, it was brought to my attention that every day there are a number of special gifts that arrive. Some are more subtle than others, however all are significant in their own way.

Why don't you try this exercise too? Ask this invisible force to grant you a gift within a particular time span. Don't specify the gift. Let yourself be surprised, for you will know when it arrives. Ask, let go.....and see what eventuates. I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised :)

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