Thursday 3 September 2015

Always Put Your Best Foot Forward...

Wow, what an amazing week I have experienced!
An ABC Open Producer from Gippsland, Victoria phoned me this week asking if one of my stories could possibly be featured on their radio station, to be aired Monday morning. I was pleased and very grateful, to say the least!
Again, I have been reassured of my beliefs....

Once I made the definite decision to follow my heart and commit myself to creative writing a few months ago, I have experienced so much joy and growth, with opportunities and new ideas surfacing at a fast pace. I ceased contemplating and making one excuse after the other, to finally follow my gut feeling. No more clumsily fluffing around!

Since I have dived into writing, I have found myself having a spring in my step. The reason being, I am pursuing what makes my heart sing. This is what life is all about! I love making time (when I can) to sit down with the laptop, either inside in the warmth looking out on a winter's day or outside in the beautiful sunshine with nature's orchestral performance in the background, while my furry companion, Ginge (my young cat) sits by my side, contently curled up, (although sometimes he likes to add his input too, as he occasionally, playfully strolls across the keyboard).

It's so easy to jump in and give your all to an activity, when it is pure enjoyment. Time passes so quickly, yet you find yourself in your own centred world, completely engrossed and basking in each moment as it happens. You portray a lightness about you. A blissful lightness. One that opens you up to receiving endless, often wonderfully surprising, possibilities and opportunities – without any effort on your part except to notice them. This is what I am experiencing presently, and it's such a fantastic feeling. Rewards come when I purposely give my very best (so easy to achieve when I'm loving what I do), and then I let go, without expectations. I trust that life will meet me half way and the right doors will open.......and they always do! I have tested this theory time and time again and it never fails.

However it's not just activities that are enjoyable. For example, you may be employed in a position you dislike where you struggle to get out of bed and front up each day to take on your '​dreaded​' responsibilities. If you arrive dragging your feet and wishing the hours away until the end of the working day, while wingeing and moaning under your breath (or worse still to your colleagues), you do, under no circumstances, have a 'lightness' about you – and you will block the doors around you from opening. In fact, your job will continue to worsen, due to your own thoughts.

If you change your energy and tackle this work with the attitude that you will attempt to do your best to complete what's required of you (and maybe even a little extra) while you are employed in your unsuitable position, and you keep your ears and eyes open for a new employment opportunity during the process (with patience), I guarantee you, the appropriate doors will be much more visible when the time is right than you dragging your feet.

It makes no difference whether you clean toilets for a living or you are the director of a multi million dollar company. It's not what you do, it's how you do it! A positive, uplifting attitude will see you grow and blossom, while a negative attitude will keep you stuck and ungrounded.
This is something I have experienced myself in the past....and feeling stuck and ungrounded is definitely not something I enjoy! 

So, back to the beginning....

Since I commenced writing (and dare I say, bravely followed my heart), I initially researched and found a website, which invites guest writers to contribute. This was the beginning of my journey to put myself out there and introduce my (newly found) creativity to the outside world.

Then I let go and allowed 'life's dominoes' to take their course. Approximately one month later, I excitedly happened to meet a girlfriend I had not seen in years, who mentioned the ABC Open website in conversation, stating contributors are encouraged to write about the interesting, monthly topics offered. This too I explored and three of my pieces were published and two were featured on the ABC Open radio station, much to my delight.

One of those pieces was extremely dear to my heart, as I wrote about our beautiful cat, Oscar, who had been euthanized, due to suffering secondary illness after being diagnosed with Cat Aids. Not only did ABC Open assist me to spread FIV awareness to a greater audience, I also wrote a booklet about FIV, which Oscar's vet now stocks to spread awareness and education. This project was very meaningful, took a lot of work to complete and gave me a bitter sweet sense of achievement (not to mention it was extremely therapeutic to write).

I then happened to bump into the manager of a local community centre, who encouraged me to contribute to their monthly newsletter. So far two of my pieces have been published.
...and it was only today, while I was in our little town's general store, a lovely lady told me about yet another radio station that welcomes stories to be aired on the radio.....and so it goes on. A new door opens regularly, without any force. I concentrate on putting my best foot forward and life complies....It's truly amazing.

So, whatever it is you are involved in, whether it sits well with you or not, always do your best. Time does not stand still and is ever evolving, meaning if you are experiencing discontentment, it will pass. I've always found it amazing to think that each moment will never be again! Stand tall and own your personal power, keeping positive and aware of opportunities that present themselves. If you have dug yourself into an emotional hole, you will miss them. Worse still, you will not have enough faith in yourself to follow them through.

Explore what makes your heart sing and go for it. It may mean you need to complete a course, or improve your time management to fit your desired activity into your lifestyle, or any other changes that may present, but do it. Life is short, so don't waste a second. You are more than capable of making your dreams come true. I'm behind you all the way : )

P.S Do yourself a favor if you love to write. Google ABC Open Projects. It's a wonderful site and Australia wide. Who knows where it may lead!

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