Friday 26 May 2017

A Precious, Insightful Adventure....

As I sat comfortably with my eyes closed, palms facing upwards resting in my lap, I sank further and further into a beautiful, relaxed state, while listening to Leanda's gentle voice guiding me into a meditation. I heard the words, 'An adventure awaits', and then silence…..

I am standing in a glorious forest, among brilliant, ancient oak and maple trees, which are shedding their magnificent array of colored leaves, blanketing the ground in crimson and gold. Sunlight attempts to stream through the spaces between thick branches, and although some light succeeds in coming through, it's not enough to warm the woods or lift the moisture. There is a freshness in the air; a damp, earthy smell. I hear birds happily singing tunes and communicating with each other, while animals and insects, oblivious to my presence, are scurrying along their merry way. It feels like mid Autumn.

Suddenly I notice a little girl with dark pigtails approaching. She's so gorgeous! She's four years old (not sure how I know that, I just do), and she's wearing a red, woollen, knee length skirt, black tights and cute, black ankle boots, while her upper body is warmed by a dark jumper under a red and black, chequered coat. I can't help but notice her olive skinned face is lit up with a huge smile as she approaches; her beautiful brown eyes piercing straight into mine.

I feel she knows me well and isn't startled by my presence. She takes my hand and ushers me to join her, as her little legs start running, then skipping through the carpet of leaves, all the while squealing with delight. We continue on for a few moments, when she gently pulls my other hand near and grabs on. Now we're shuffling sideways around and around in a quick moving circle, dancing with the ground leaves and watching them spin. The cheeky little munchkin is now throwing her head back, laughing uncontrollably and completely trusting I won't allow her to fall. I shuffle a little faster, tighten my hand grip and she becomes airborne. Observing the pure joy she emanates melts my heart. In fact, she is joy. ….and it's true, I would never let her fall.

We slow down, then pause to regain our balance. Her chubby cheeks are rosier and her eyes are twinkling. She bends down and scoops up handfuls of leaves, throwing them in the air, giggling and laughing as she watches them raining down overhead. She seems to be predominantly amusing herself, yet is keen to share her experience by looking my way often, as if to say in wonder, 'Look at me! Isn't this fun?'

My time is up now. The little girl senses this and with acknowledgement, looks up with those mesmerising, deep, brown eyes. How I love her so. She pulls at the leg of my pants, asking I crouch down to her height. As I do, she places her comforting, young, agile arms around my neck and proceeds to squeeze me ever so tightly. Without words, as there are no words needed, she impresses upon me:

'I am you and you are me. Life is to be enjoyed. Please remember me often, as I am always here'.

She kisses my cheek, turns and skips away as quickly as she appeared, leaving me emotionally overflowing with love and gratitude. I open my eyes and return to my familiar room, aware of my physical surroundings and newly gained, precious insight.

Each moment I have felt overwhelmed since this meditation, due to placing habitual pressure on myself, instantly my adventure has sprung to mind. This beautiful visualisation immediately offers a sense of peace, and I am instantly grounded as I see, through my mind's eye, a little girl's cheeky wink!

'I pledge I will no longer ignore you, my little ray of sunshine'.


  1. I am crying with tears of joy reading this Camilla... thank you for sharing♥

  2. I am in tears also. What an honour that your Inner Child was present for you to be reminded of your own beauty, you are love, reminding you of life's preciousness, wonder....that it's time that you laugh, you play, that you don't get so stuck in routine and that you are WORTHY of taking time out for you. Thank you for sharing your Inner Child and reminding all of us to find the ESSENCE AND INNOOCENCE OF EVERY INNER CHILD THAT LIVES WITHIN US. Wow xxxx

  3. Mesmerised , whilst reading this,,,xx

  4. This is such a Beautiful piece Milly 💙💜. Can't help but think that little girl was you xxx
    You positive now looking back...maybe im wrong but I think she would be happy knowing you have always been her xxx
