After excitedly 'finally' commencing this blog last August and promising myself I would commit to writing a weekly post of substance, this week has been the first time I have struggled to write, period.
Usually what happens is whilst going through the motions of my personal weekly activities, Spirit will place a subject/experience/example (from my journey) into my mind to share with you. Then, when I find the time at the end of the week, I will sit down and endeavour to portray into words that which Spirit wishes me to convey. Until now my weekly posts have been uploaded onto the web by Friday of each week. However, not this week, and I'm sitting in front of my laptop, as we speak, with a million question marks floating aimlessly around in my head. Not a very enjoyable experience at all!
I feel this situation has arisen because, as previous posts mentioned, I am still chasing my tail, still feeling overwhelmed, and under instead of on top of things. AND I know exactly what to do to make this feeling subside. Through meditation (even only ten minutes a day), mindfulness and attempting my best to live each and every moment in the present, plus probably most importantly, letting go of what I cannot control (I admit, I am a bit of a control freak, always usually very organised), I could easily eradicate this rattled feeling I am experiencing, which doesn't sit well with me at all.
I'm sure Spirit is observing my thoughts and actions, and letting me sit with this uncomfortable feeling, while gently (or not) coaxing me to finally exit the contemplation phase (which I have remained in for far too long now) and proceed into 'action stations'. I have a plan worked out, in writing, ready to grab by the horns and run with. It's full of daily rituals, such as meditation, positive affirmations, crystal usage, exercises, food I wish to include in my daily diet etc. If I commit to adhering to this plan on a daily basis (which will probably only take up a good hour of my time), I will feel more grounded and content – and daily life will become easier without a doubt.
My farm life is so unpredictable in many ways and it's difficult to coordinate a routine, as there is no such thing on our farm. However, I need to find a way to work around this and put into place my passions to fulfil my needs and wants, otherwise frustration and resentment will rear their ugly heads. I have already had a glimpse of what can arise from built-up tension and it's not pretty. My relationship could easily fold, my health would be challenged, and life, as I know it, could down- spiral very quickly.
So, this is the week's message! Once I commenced writing, the words flowed and I had no idea what I was going to relay to you today. However, this is important and we can all use a life review on a regular basis to keep track of ourselves.
Have you checked in with your needs and wants lately? The significant questions are these - Are we living our authentic selves or are we in the shadows of someone else's dream? Are we pursuing what makes our heart sing? Are we fulfilled? Remember, life is short!
Like me, maybe it's time to venture inside of yourself, assess your life, listen to your body, your soul, and possibly create appropriate changes to suit your present life chapter. This is your journey, you are important, so love and care for yourself. You and everyone around you will benefit greatly from this on so many levels.
Now, having penned these wise words, I need to become proactive and accountable in my own life!
After all, without our cups overflowing, we have nothing substantial to give......