How ironic! Last week I posted the significant, and what I believe to be, important message that, 'It's not what happens to you in life, it's how you react to it'.
Well, low and behold, everything that happened to me this week, which was neither here or there, frustrated and annoyed me to the point I thought I would explode, which is not actually me at all.
The farm and farm chores were annoying me and I felt I was running around in circles, achieving not much at all. And, it didn't matter what he said or did, my husband frustrated me too. That's not ideal! Then, I became annoyed and frustrated with myself for feeling this way. I added some guilt to the equation by remembering how lucky I am and what a wonderful life I lead, and hey presto, I felt like crap (excuse the language).
So, I decided I needed some time-out (well, a short break anyway) to identify and acknowledge why I was feeling this way and what action I needed to take to rise above this 'crappy feeling', that I wasn't particularly enjoying.
I granted myself a few moments to quieten my mind, as opposed to always literally running with a mission and a head full of endless to-do tasks, and I realised exactly that was the problem.
I'm trying so hard to keep up with the all-round household chores, plus the mowing, the brush-cutting, the garden. Then I have my repetitious daily farm work, such as turning on our petrol water pump numerous times a day at the right tidal times, feeding the animals three times a day and cleaning their personal environments. Then there are the farm jobs that crop up out of left field or the ones already on the list in need of attention. There's too many jobs to articulate here and some I am unable to physically achieve anyway (which frustrates me as well), but I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from.
So, the issue at hand is either I'm needing to improve my time-management skills to create a stronger 'sense of achievement' for myself to actually complete my daily list of jobs.....Or, maybe I need to 'let go' and ride with the flow and have trust and faith that all is happening as it should, therefore easing off the pressure I tend to place myself under. Maybe I need to listen to my intuition and follow my dreams instead of fitting into someone else's! Or...maybe I just need a holiday to remove myself from every day life, view different scenery and dust off the cobwebs, returning refreshed and rejuvenated with motivation and passion. Possibly after shouting the 'important message' to the world last week, maybe I was being tested to see if I 'walk the walk', as well as I tend to 'talk the talk!
Probably a part of all the above suggestions is the answer! I do feel stale and in need of some different scenery, and I must accept that I cannot do everything in one day. Less self pressure! My dream, his dream, our dream? That one's a black box! And yes, I need to walk the walk as well....
That also reminds me, I really need to give myself a few quiet moments daily, as I get so much information from stillness, and instantly I feel better. Connecting to Spirit is amazingly physically and emotionally healing. I'm always going on about that, but again, I often don't allow myself the time, thinking I will never be finished with my physical labour. However, connecting to Spirit is a priority and from this communication/stillness, the day flows so much more easily because I am centred, and do not even come close to reaching a feeling of annoyance or frustration.
There it is then, there's the answer. I'm amazed how writing the week down on paper helps so much to off load and work out what it is that's missing or needed.…..and I thank you so much for listening to me think out loud. Have a lovely day : )